Alcester Town Hall Booking Please see the Booking terms and Conditions. Also the Town Hall Data Privacy Policy If, after clicking submit, you do not see a thankyou message then check that you have filled in the required fields marked with a red *. Name:FirstLast Address: Address Address 2 Town Post Code Phone* Email* Organisation Name or Private Approx number of people attending Event for which Hall is required (50th birthday, wedding, meeting, fair etc.)* Do you want use of the Hearing Loop (Upstairs only)?*YesNo Stair Lift Required*YesNo Date Hall required* Time slot required (You may select more than one)*09:00 - 13:0013:00 - 17:3018:00 - midnight Bailiff's Hall (Upstairs) If you want bar facilities then you will need to hire the downstairs as well.*YesNo Juror's Room (Downstairs)*YesNo Use of cups & saucers (free)*YesNo Use of catering facilities upstairs including crockery, cutlery and oven (£55.00) The Hall has a limited amount of cutlery and crockery. Access can be provided so that you can check that this is sufficient for your event.*YesNo Hire of downstairs oven (£55.00)*YesNo Hire of linen tablecloths (£12 each)*YesNo No of tablecloths required Is music to be provided by the hirer*YesNo If so in what form (see condition 12) Are bar facilities required? If 'yes' you will need to hire the downstairs. (see conditions 8 to 11)*YesNo Clear up next day (by the hirer) up to 12:00 at £33.00YesNo I am responsible for this booking, am over 21 and have read and accept the information and terms document*Yes and my Name is* Please tick this box if you consent to your contact details being shown on the Town Hall diary, otherwise no contact details will be displayed*ShowNot show By submitting this booking you are confirming that you have read and accepted the Town Hall’s Data Protection and Information Security Policy, which can be viewed via the link at the top of this form*ConfirmedSubmitReset